A collection of pieces produced in 2019
Murmurs of Earth
Group exhibition, March, 2019
Curated by Carolina Van Rooyen
’Murmurs of Earth’ was based on The Voyager Golden Records. These are two phonograph records that were included aboard both Voyager spacecrafts that were launched in 1977. The records contain sounds and images selected to portray the diversity of life and culture here on Earth, and are intended for any intelligent extra-terrestrial life form, or for future humans, who may find them. The records are a sort of time capsule.
Singing Whale (2019) | Ink on Fabriano
It’s Happening Again (2019) |Ink on Fabriano
Voyager Golden Record (reference)
WeTransfer commissioned me to create an illustration centring around the theme of time for their newsletter.
Pa Tiep
I collaborated with Christiaan Pretorius to create illustrations for his poem. The piece was exhibited at Trent Gallery, Pretoria.
Arty Bollocks
Curators The Bland and the Boring hosted an exhibition at NOW Gallery, Pretoria, where they supplied each artist with an auto-generated artist statement from the site artybollocks.com . My statement was:
My work explores the relationship between consumerist fetishism and UFO sightings. With influences as diverse as Mickey Mouse and Paul Cezanne, new insights are synthesised from both opaque and transparent structures.
Ever since I was a teenager I have been fascinated by the theoretical limits of relationships. What starts out as triumph soon becomes manipulated into a cacophony of greed, leaving only a sense of decadence and the prospect of a new reality.
As temporal derivatives become clarified through frantic and critical practice, the viewer is left with a clue to the darkness of our world.
Amateur (2019) Ink on Fabriano
Ophelia (2019) Ink and gouache on mounting board + distorted glass
Exhibited at Trent Gallery’s Ophelia Group Show, 2019
Ocean Scenes
I can’t remember what I made these pieces for.
Sea Monster (2019) | Ink and gouache on mounting board
Ghosts on Water (2019) Ink and gouache on mounting board